Five Things

Five Things (beautiful/strange/sad/quotidienne)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


1. The hum of my monitor in a quiet warm home.
2. The very slight scratchy feeling in my throat, telling me a cold is forming. I drink airborne. The fake citrus taste lingers, not exactly unpleasant, but also not welcome.
3. My feet, chilly in clogs, the uniform of my people.
4. I judge my own writing harshly after talking to my students today about "good writing".
5. Anticipating a hot shower and restful sleep.

Friday, October 14, 2005


1. My husband and I, after a long day, reading news and blogs and snacking after midnight.
2. Walking home today, the way the fading sunlight hit the trees, the scent of the new fall air.
3. Anticipating the visit of a very dear friend tomorrow.
4. Just being, gently.
5. Newlywed life. I hope it lasts. Or at least gets replaced with something as lovely.